Document Management Services Case Studies
We let our projects speak for themselves.
Take a look at some of the document management solutions we’ve completed for a wide range of industries and businesses, solving complex document management and workflow problems with Optix.
Energy Industry

Industry: Energy
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Mac & Windows
How a National Testing Laboratory Gained Enterprise Efficiencies with Optix Document Scanning Software
A unique national resource, the Nevada Test Site (NTS) is a massive outdoor laboratory and national experimental center that has seen more than four decades of nuclear weapons testing.
“Optix’s unique support of Fujitsu and other scanners on Macintosh enhances our ability to input documents from a variety of media and make them available to cross-platform and web users here in Nevada and remotely at research labs, such as Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, and Los Alamos.”
How a Manufacturing Facility Created a Highly Efficient Document Scanning Process
The Pantex Plant is the United States’ primary facility for the final assembly, dismantlement, and maintenance of nuclear weapons. As one of six production facilities in the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nuclear Security Enterprise, the organization operates under three overarching priorities: the safety and health of workers and the public, the security of weapons and information, and the protection of the environment.
“Previously, routing and approval of our often used chemical approval form took about six weeks. With Optix, that time was reduced to three days.”

Industry: Energy
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Mac & Windows
Bechtel and the Department of Energy’s Nevada Test Site: Cross-Platform Support for Distributed User Community.
A unique national resource, the Nevada Test Site (NTS) is a massive outdoor laboratory and national experimental center that has seen more than four decades of nuclear weapons testing. Bechtel Nevada performs management and operational activities at the NTS and offsite locations. Bechtel’s functions include scanning, indexing, archiving, and disseminating test result documentation and facility engineering drawings. Such critical tasks demand a leading edge document management and workflow solution. Optix was the obvious first choice.
“Optix’s unique support of Fujitsu and other scanners on the Macintosh enhances our ability to input documents from a variety of media and make them available to cross platforms and web users here in Nevada, and remotely at research labs, such as Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, and Los Alamos.”
K-12 Education

Industry: Education
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Mac & Windows
How a Major School District Improved Cross-Departmental Collaboration through Workflow Automation
San José Unified School District (SJUSD) is a large urban school district serving over 30,000 students and employing over 3,000 teachers, administrators, and other staff. SJUSD’s vision is “preparing today’s students to be the thinkers, leaders, and creators of tomorrow.”
“Optix has dramatically improved our cross-departmental candidate-to-hire processing. With Optix, information flows easily through our HR, accounting, budget, and payroll departments, which has streamlined management of employee records. Optix is a remarkable product.”
Higher Education

Industry: Higher Education
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Mac, Windows, & Web
How a Major University Dramatically Decreased Application Processing Time
The University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) is the flagship campus for one of the nation’s premiere public research institutions. Its twelve schools and colleges offer over 200 degree-granting programs, including 92 undergraduate majors, 107 master’s programs, and 83 doctoral programs, needing an enterprise information management system.
“Using Optix, we decreased the turnaround time for processing an application from four weeks to 72 hours.”
Improving Complex Processes While Meeting Strict DOE Requirements
The Maine Educational Opportunity Center (MEOC) is a federal education initiative established to promote access to post-secondary education for traditionally underrepresented adult populations within Maine.
“The MEOC’s mission of serving adults seeking higher education requires both optimum customer service and ability to meet highly specific federal reporting requirements. Optix has helped the MEOC advance these goals by allowing efficient access to information across multiple locations.”

Industry: Higher Education
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Mac, Windows, & Web
How a Major Private University Solved Significant Space Restrictions with Optix Document Automation
The University of St. Thomas (UST) is Minnesota’s largest private university, with approximately 10,000 students from 50 states and 63 countries. The university offers more than 100 undergraduate majors with opportunities for cross-disciplinary coursework in the liberal arts, and 60 graduate degree programs.
“Optix has truly become a core operational system at the University of St. Thomas. We have found Optix to be extremely flexible and customizable to address any of our document management and workflow challenges. Using Optix, we can design and deploy a completely new, secure repository with customer indexing and query screens in about an hour. That ease of use, coupled with world-class technical support, has made Optix one of our most relied-upon technologies.”

Industry: Higher Education
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Mac & Web
University of Maine, Maine Educational Opportunity Center: Satisfying Stringent Government Mandates Across Regional Sites
The Maine Educational Opportunity Center (MEOC) is a federal education initiative established to promote access to post-secondary education for traditionally underrepresented adult populations within Maine. As part of their commitment to assist any adult seeking to re-enter a formal education setting, MEOC selected Optix to support multiple locations and to follow processes established by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE).
The MEOC’s mission of serving adults seeking higher education requires both optimum customer service and ability to meet highly specific federal reporting requirements. Optix has helped the MEOC advance these goals by allowing efficient access to information across multiple locations.

Industry: Non-Profit
Tools: Document Management
Workflow Automation
Platform: Windows, & Web
How Streamlined Document Management Led to a Better Donor Experience
For more than 70 years, Heifer International has provided livestock and environmentally sound agricultural training to improve the lives of those who struggle daily for reliable sources of food and income. Heifer is currently working in 30 countries, including the United States, to help families and communities become more self-reliant.
“Our Optix system empowers Heifer to focus on our donor relationships. Using the power of Optix document scanning, indexing, storage, retrieval, and workflow, we are able to more efficiently process donations, manage our information, and handle requests. Improving efficiency and effectiveness allows more of our donor resources to be used in our mission of ending hunger and poverty, enabling us to create new opportunities and improve the livelihoods of our participants in the US and worldwide.”
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